Monday, May 11, 2009

As you have probably noticed, the topic of “going green” is everywhere now a days. You just can not escape it, and that is because it is such an important topic. The truth is that everything we do has an impact on the earth- good or bad. We all have the power to control the choices we make, from what we eat to how we shop - we all can have a global impact. Embracing a greener lifestyle is not all about saving a tree, its about improving the overall quality of your life. If we want to help the environment is all starts with the way we live - and what we eat. Organic food is not only healthier but it also helps the environment. Buying fresh food means reducing packaging and energy used for processing. Making stuff, takes lots and lots of energy. This includes a lot more than packaging the food you buy- it includes everything like clothing, furniture- just all your “stuff”. Every object has a global impact, just like everything we do- to help mitigate the footprint of your material life, choose goods that are green materials. Buying less stuff and second-hand stuff helps achieve this goal, too. Pollution is another problem we face, especially in the New Jersey area-anytime you choose to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportion you reduce the carbon dioxide produced by driving. Imagine how much cleaner our air would be without all these toxins? I think everyone needs to take in consideration the things they do, if we expect to save the earth then everyone needs to pitch it. These are some ways to start, and everyone can make these changes.


  1. We all really can make such a big difference in the world just by improving our daily lives. Buying organic foods and products made of “green” materials can really help your life and better the life of our environment and the plants and animals that live in it. Changes made in our lives now will impact the environment or the better in the long run. It will also reduce all types of pollution and all types of energy used to produce products. Everyone needs to do their part in order to achieve what needs to be done to improve our planet and change our environment for the better. While improving our planet, we are also improving our own lives and the lives of those around us. With less pollution we can live healthier and happier lives and we can save our Earth all at the same time.

  2. When God created the Earth, He meant it to be clean and beautiful, and for us to live in it peacefully and happily. Since the creation of the Earth, things have skewed slightly off track. Society has become more and more destructive to the environment, and now it is everyones job to clean up the pollution and environmentally damaging materials so we can return to the original plan for us and Earth. As Alyssa said, the cleaning up of this Earth is in your everyday choices; we as a people need to start thinking better and once everyone does this, we will finally have "gone green."

  3. Going green is a big topic nowadays. It's becoming so much more important that we recycle, reduce pollution, and be careful of how much of our non-renewable resources we use. The world is slowly being destroyed by the disgusting way we treat the earth and the environment in which we live. This desrtuctiob and defacing of the earth is most evident in global warming. Our self-centered actions are hurting the world in which we live; this is not what we were supposed to do when we were put on this earth. We are supposed to thrive with all the creatures on the planet and live as one with the earth itself. Before we make criticisms on how other people live and treat the environment we must first look at ourselves and how we contribute to the earths destruction.

  4. Everything everyone has said is pretty much self-explanatory. we can not stress enough how much we need to go green and save our planet. I pray each day that people will learn how severe all of these problems are. God gave us this world to live and cherish it. We NEED to take a stand and start doing something about this problem. I hope that people just do not look at this blog and close it out. I hope that people actually read this and take something from it. More less, I hope hat people learn about the severities of this issue and will begin to start taking action in saving our planet.
